
Typically, Walter dies at the end of fan fiction. I'm not really a fan of pairing with Bismarck, the battleship for me to be separated from the rest of the world. Not an expert on battleships and ships, all about size. Approve only the Musashi and the Wildcat.

Let's go back to Walter. Some people believe that he is dying at the hands of Ulrich. Ulrich / Walter - an unusual version. Nevertheless, it exists. With the depression.
According to this version May 20, he received a letter from Ulrich. There have been written about the hatred and desire that my father was drowned soon as possible. And so it happened. Walther had wanted to die and did not resist the British navy. Ulrich came to the place of his father's death only on March 29. There he made a vow to go to heaven to Walter and defend their country. Meerwolf died with honor mention of those who did not return. He never asked for forgiveness from his father. But surely he forgave Walter.